Have your say!
We would love to know from you which you think are the best countries in the world to visit.
Below is a list of countries that have already been voted for. To vote for a country that appears on the list, click on its name (you may vote for more than one country). After you have selected the country/countries for which you wish to vote, click on the vote button located at the bottom of the list.
Alternatively, if you would like to vote for a country that does not appear on the list, click on the “Add your answer” link that appears directly above the vote button.
You can also change your vote at any time, by clicking on the revote button. The vote button will become the revote button after you have voted.
The outcome of this poll will be taken into account when we compile our next list of top countries to visit.
Please note: countries listed herein and the votes for each country are only the opinions of users and not the author of the poll.